Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Paper 3 rough Draft

Following the 1920’s, the sense of culture within the United States had changed. Culture within the United States emphasized the “inter-relatedness of things.” According to Warren Sussman, the “American Way of Life” became more known and widespread through the media. This concept of the “American Way of Life” defined the culture of the American people; their beliefs and values and symbols that were meaningful to them. Theodore Roosevelt took advantage of the influence of the media among his followers and used it as a platform to advocate the New Deal, his plan to restore the economic status of the United States from the depression. The shared culture of the American Way of Life centralized around the concept of unity, which was also emphasized through Roosevelt’s New Deal and murals and pictures pushed by his programs.
I. Focus on visual and audio in the 1930’s and how Roosevelt used it to his advantage
II. Roosevelt’s Speech to the Commonwealth Club-his point of view
a. Jefferson’s intentions of the govt to protect the people of the United States
b. Roosevelt outlines the problems of the United States and how unity is emphasized as a means to fix the problems.
III. Wilfred Mead’s visual document
a. How it argues Roosevelt’s viewpoint
IV. Gropper Dam Construction visual document
V. Conclusion
a. Emphasize change from the culture of the 1920’s
b. How although the New Deal didn’t fix the issues, World War II did.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Outline of Paper 2

Thesis: African-American women and Immigrant women countered the dominant culture’s demeaning significations and made claims for different representations by embodying the idea of the “New Woman.” The “New Women” was a symbol of a woman, who is more independent than the “ideal” domesticated woman.

I. Beginning of imperialism paves way for “New Woman” to emerge. The new hero needs a heroine, one, who, is independent and strong.
Although, society still requires for the woman to remain a good, domesticated housewife, it is the idea that it gives the desire to be liberated.

II. Role of cosmetics industry in creating new gender definitions and allowing for a different self-representation than before.

III. Consumptive society allows for women, immigrant and African-American to take a crucial role in society.

IV. Sara from Bread Givers desire to become a more independent woman through education.
a. Also, discussing how she does ends up making a full circle at the end and how she does not embody the idea of the “New Woman.”

V. Shifting from countryside to city and how women are able to take place in that resituation the country is going through.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Rough draft paper two

Hey to those people in my peer edit group, just my luck I was almost done with my rd and my laptop shut off and didnt recover it. So my rd will be up later tonight!!!